BEENTEER GROUP Co., Ltd. - Social Responsibility Report


1. Introduction to the report
The 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report of BEENTEER GROUP Co., Ltd. is the first corporate social responsibility report released by BEENTEER GROUP Co., Ltd. The report reviewed the opportunities and challenges faced by BEENTEER in 2020, and disclosed relevant social responsibility practices and performance.

2. Time frame
The average year of 2020 in the report refers to the entire year of 2020.

3. Release cycle
This report is an annual report.

4. Scope of report
Consistent with the business scope of BEENTEER GROUP Co., Ltd.

5. Data sources
The report uses data from BEENTEER's 2020 annual report, as well as official company documents and statistical reports. Due to data statistics and caliber limitations, there are areas where departmental data is incomplete. We will continuously improve the data indicator statistical system in the future to ensure the provision of more comprehensive information.

6. Indicative Explanation
For ease of expression, in the report, "Company", "We", and "BEENTEER" all refer to "BEENTEER GROUP Co., Ltd."

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